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April LIVE

April LIVE

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LIVE Meditations, Workshops, Channeling and More! 

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April's Videos

April's Videos


Spiritual Development

My Live Video

My Live Video
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People & Blogs
My Live Video

My Live Video

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Mini-Meditation: Observe & Let Go

Mini-Meditation: Observe & Let Go

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Get Your Thoughts Right and Find Your Spirit Posse Super Boom!

Get Your Thoughts Right and Find Your Spirit Posse Super Boom!

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Create the Time to Meditate

Create the Time to Meditate

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Free 7-Day Meditation Challenge

Free 7-Day Meditation Challenge

Free 7-Day Meditation Challenge
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People & Blogs
7-Day Meditation Challenge with April Claxton

7-Day Meditation Challenge with April Claxton

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Day 1 - Letting Go

Day 1 - Letting Go

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Day 4 - Patience

Day 4 - Patience

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Paranormal Station

Paranormal Station

Paranormal Station
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People & Blogs
Science & Technology
Anomaly on ParanormalZoneTV | May 23, 2016 | April Seitz

Anomaly on ParanormalZoneTV | May 23, 2016 | April Seitz

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My Ghost Story on Bio with April Seitz-Claxton

My Ghost Story on Bio with April Seitz-Claxton

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EVP at Deering Estate with John Zapp and April Claxton

EVP at Deering Estate with John Zapp and April Claxton

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