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Pawtographs Parafest 3!



Lakeside Resort & Conference Center

Ghost Hunters! Paranormal Radio! Psychic Mediums! Paranormal Researchers! Empaths! And a Dog. ❤️ A Very Special Dog. #MurraysLegacy

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Pawtographs Parafest 3!
Pawtographs Parafest 3!


2022年3月05日 10:00 – 20:00

Lakeside Resort & Conference Center, 100 Clearview Dr, Houghton Lake, MI 48629, USA


Always a HUGE success, Pawtogrpahs For Pooches moves into its 3rd Parafest on March 5th in Houghton Lake, MI.

Experienced professionals come together to raise money for North Michigan Animal Rescue Network, and raise awareness for suicide prevention and mental well-being.

It is a day filled with laughter, love, tears, readings, lectures, vendor booths and fun!

The relationship between a furbaby and his/her human is a blessing. This is how we give back.


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